Class TableSteps


public class TableSteps extends Object
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • TableSteps

      public TableSteps()
  • Method Details

    • clickAssociatedLinkInTable

      @When("^I find the (.*?) link in the row of the (.*?) containing the (.*?) value and click it$") public static void clickAssociatedLinkInTable(String elementName, String tableName, String key)
      Clicks the link in a table row by matching text in another part of the row.

      Gherkin Examples:

      • I find the row matching the text stored for the <Client> Login ID field in the search results table and click the Edit link
      • I find the row matching the text stored for the current user in the Search Results Table and click the Edit button
      • I find the link in the row of the Provider Search table containing the search criteria values and click the search button.
      key - String the key used to retrieve the value
      tableName - String the name of the table to search
      elementName - String the name of the element to click
    • clickAssociatedLinkInTable

      @When("^I find the (.*?) and click the (text|xpath|value for) (.*?) in the row containing the (text|xpath|value for) (.*?)$") public static void clickAssociatedLinkInTable(String tableName, String clickLocatorType, String elementToClick, String matchLocatorType, String elementToMatch)
      Clicks a text value or xpath part in a table that contains another text value or xpath part. Can be used to click a chevron or image in a table that is related to some piece of data in the table. For example: an expand, edit or delete button.

      Gherkin Examples:

      • I find the Users Table and click the text Edit in the row containing the text Sally Smith
      • I find the Cars Table and click the xpath //span[@class="cke_button_icon"] in the row containing the text Toyota Avalon
      • I find the Categories Table and click the xpath //img[1] in the row containing the xpath //img[starts-with(@id,'uid')]
      • I find the Example Table and click the text Delete in the row containing the xpath //*[name()="svg" and @class="svg-connector"]/*[name()="circle" and @class="inner-circle"]
      tableName - String the name of the table to search
      clickLocatorType - String the type of locator the next value will be: text or xpath
      elementToClick - String the text or xpath used to find the item you want to click upon
      matchLocatorType - String the type of locator the next value will be: text or xpath
      elementToMatch - String the text or xpath of the value that will ensure you are in the correct row
    • clickAssociatedLinkInTable

      @When("^I find the (\\d+|la)(?:st|nd|rd|th) row in the (.*?) and click the (text|xpath|value for) (.*?)$") public static void clickAssociatedLinkInTable(String ordinal, String tableName, String clickLocatorType, String elementToClick)
      Clicks a text value, stored value or xpath part in a table in a row. The row is determined by ordinal value (last, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.).

      Gherkin Examples:

      • I find the 1st row in the Soil Table and click the text Dirt
      • I find the 2nd row in the Garbage Table and click the xpath //*[@id = 'myValue']
      • I find the last row in the Users Table and click the value for Username
      ordinal - String the row number to search; pass "la" or -1 to get the last row
      tableName - String the name of the table to search
      clickLocatorType - String the type of locator the next value will be: text, xpath, value for (stored value)
      elementToClick - String the text, xpath or stored value used to find the item you want to click upon
    • storeTableValues

      @Given("^I view the (\\d+)(?:st|nd|rd|th) page of results from the (.*)$") public static void storeTableValues(int pageNumber, String tableName)
      Stores the data for the given page in the given table for later comparison.

      Gherkin Examples:

      • I view the 1st page of results from the Provider search
      • I view the 5th page of results from the Members table
      • I view the 2nd page of results from the NFL Schedule
      pageNumber - int Page we are on to store as a key in a hash.
      tableName - String the name of the table element on the page object
    • clickColumnHeaderToSort

      @When("^I find and click the header for the (.*) column in the (.*)$") public static void clickColumnHeaderToSort(String columnName, String tableName)
      Clicks the header element to sort the table on the given column. Does not verify sort direction.

      Gherkin Examples:

      • I find and click the header for the Name column in the Users table
      columnName - String the name of the column to click the header of
      tableName - String the name of the table element
    • clickCoordsInTable

      @When("^I find the (fir|la|[1-9]+[0-9]{0,})(?:st|nd|rd|th) column in the (.*?) and click the cell in the (fir|la|[1-9]+[0-9]{0,})(?:st|nd|rd|th) row$") public static void clickCoordsInTable(String columnNum, String tableName, String rowNum)
      Clicks a cell in a table by a given column and row

      Gherkin Examples:

      • I find the 3rd column in the example table and click the cell in the 2nd row

      Scenario Outline Example:

      I find the <integer><st,nd,rd,th> column in the <String> and click the cell in the <integer><st,nd,rd,th> row

      columnNum - Integer the column of the cell to click
      tableName - String the name of the table of the cell to click
      rowNum - Integer the row of the cell to click
    • enterAssociatedTextInTable

      @When("^I find the (\\d+|la)(?:st|nd|rd|th) row in the (.*?) and enter the text (.*?) in the (.*?)$") public static void enterAssociatedTextInTable(String ordinal, String tableName, String text, String elementName)
      Enters a text value in a table in a row. The row is determined by ordinal value (last, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.).

      Gherkin Examples:

      • I find the 3rd row in the Stats Editor Table and enter the text "3" in the Sequence Number
      • I find the Last in the Stats Editor Table and enter the text "3" in the Sequence Number
      ordinal - String the row number. Can be "la" to specify the last row, or an integer.
      tableName - String the name of the table to search
      text - String the text to enter into the element
      elementName - String the name of the element into which to enter text