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acceptOrCloseJsAlert(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.BaseSteps
Interacts with the open JS alert.
ACCESSIBILITYID - Enum constant in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.SelectorType
accountInformation(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Returns username or password.
accounts - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.YAMLData
AccountSteps - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps
AccountSteps() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.AccountSteps
activeTestObject - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.TestManager
addHeader(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.APIManager
Set a header and its value for a request.
addHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.Request
Set a header and its value for a request.
addHeader(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.APISteps
Adds header into API request
addNewWindows() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WindowList
Search the driver for all windows and add any that don't exist.
addParameter(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.APIManager
Set a parameter and its value for a request.
addParameter(String, String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.Request
Set a parameter and its value for a request.
addParameter(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.APISteps
Sets a query string parameter.
AlphanumComparator - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.strings
This is an updated version with enhancements made by Daniel Migowski, Andre Bogus, and David Koelle.
AlphanumComparator() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.strings.AlphanumComparator
api - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.APIManager
API - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis
API - Enum constant in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.YAMLObjectType
API(String) - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.API
APIData - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis
The APIData class is a singleton class that encapsulates page configuration data into a usable java class.
APIData() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.APIData
APIFactory - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis
An implementation of the factory design pattern based on the PageFactory.
APIFactory() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.APIFactory
APIManager - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis
Tracks which API is currently being used and requests the APIFactory create it if it does not exist.
APIManager() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.APIManager
apis - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.APIFactory
APISteps - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps
APISteps() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.APISteps
appiumService - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WindowsDriverFactory
appProps - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
assertEquals(Table, Object, Callable<Object>) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.assertions.TableAssert
Assert a table method returns an object equal to the expected object.
assertEquals(String, Table, Object, Callable<Object>) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.assertions.TableAssert
Assert a table method returns an object equal to the expected object.
assertFalse(Table, Callable<Boolean>) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.assertions.TableAssert
Assert a table method returns false.
assertFalse(String, Table, Callable<Boolean>) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.assertions.TableAssert
Assert a table method returns false.
assertNotEquals(Table, Object, Callable<Object>) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.assertions.TableAssert
Assert a table method returns an object unequal to the notExpected object.
assertNotEquals(String, Table, Object, Callable<Object>) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.assertions.TableAssert
Assert a table method returns an object unequal to the notExpected object.
assertTrue(Table, Callable<Boolean>) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.assertions.TableAssert
Assert a table method returns true.
assertTrue(String, Table, Callable<Boolean>) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.assertions.TableAssert
Assert a table method returns true.
attributeContains(String, String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Returns true if the element has an attribute containing to the value passed; otherwise returns false.
attributeEquals(String, String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Returns true if the element has an attribute equal to the value passed; otherwise returns false.
attributeEquals(String, String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.WindowsElement
Returns true if the element has an attribute equal to the value passed; otherwise returns false.
AUTOMATIONID - Enum constant in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.SelectorType


BaseSteps - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps
Methods used to define basic operations.
BaseSteps() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.BaseSteps
before() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.BaseSteps
before(Scenario) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.ImageVerificationSteps
body - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.Request
bodyType - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.Request
browser() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Returns a sanitized version of the browser set in the config file or on the command line.
BROWSER - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
BROWSERNAME - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.GridWebDriverFactory
BROWSERVERSION - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.GridWebDriverFactory
buildClassCastExceptionMessage(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.ElementFunctions
Returns an error message that is a clearer casting error and logs it.
buildOrRetrieveAPI(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.APIFactory
Returns the requested API object by name if we have already created it, otherwise it creates the API.
buildOrRetrievePage(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.PageFactory
Returns the Page Object for the page name.
buildURI() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.Request
Returns a URI that includes any parameters if it is set.


checkIfImagesMatch(String, boolean, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.ImageVerificationSteps
Takes an updated screenshot of the current element or page/window for comparison to an earlier or stored image.
CLASS - Enum constant in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.SelectorType
CLASS - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.Page
classContains(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Returns true if the element class contains the value passed; otherwise returns false.
CLASSNAME - Enum constant in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.SelectorType
clear() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Clear a Element.
clear() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.WindowsElement
Clear an Element.
clear() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WindowList
Empty out the list of windows.
clear(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Clears a configuration value once runtime has started.
clearAllSessionAppProps() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Clears all configuration values that have been set since runtime started.
clearDownloadDirectory() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.DownloadManager
Clears the download directory.
clearDownloadsFolder() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.DownloadVerificationSteps
Clears all files from the download directory.
clearTables() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.Page
Clears the cached Table objects for this page.
clearText(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TextSteps
Clears the text in a text box that matches the given elementName as defined on the current Page object, and clears any value stored in the Configuration Manager using the element name as the key.
click() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Click an Element.
click() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.WindowsElement
Click an Element.
click(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.BaseSteps
Clicks the element that matches the given elementName as defined on the current Page object.
clickAssociatedLinkInTable(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableSteps
Clicks the link in a table row by matching text in another part of the row.
clickAssociatedLinkInTable(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableSteps
Clicks a text value, stored value or xpath part in a table in a row.
clickAssociatedLinkInTable(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableSteps
Clicks a text value or xpath part in a table that contains another text value or xpath part.
clickColumnHeader(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Clicks the element in the given header that sorts the column.
clickColumnHeaderToSort(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableSteps
Clicks the header element to sort the table on the given column.
clickCoordsInTable(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableSteps
Clicks a cell in a table by a given column and row
clickElementInCell(int, int) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Clicks the cell found at the given column, row position in the table.
clickElementInRowThatContains(int, By) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Clicks on an element found by elementLocator, in a row found by ordinalRow.
clickElementInRowThatContains(String, String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Clicks a link in a row by using text in another cell.
clickElementInRowThatContains(String, By) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Clicks an element found by the given elementToClick which exists inside a row which contains the given text rowElementText.
clickElementInRowThatContains(By, String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Clicks an element containing the given text textToClick which exists inside a row specified by the given rowLocator.
clickElementInRowThatContains(By, By) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Clicks on an element found by elementLocator, in a row found by rowLocator.
clickLoop() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Loops through all the ways to click an element.
clickPositionAction(Point, WebElement) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Helper function to move the mouse to a point on an element and clicks there.
clickPositionOnChildElement(Point, By) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Clicks a point relative to the center of the element.
clickPositionOnElement(Point) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Clicks a point relative to the center of the element.
close() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.SentinelDriver
Close the current window.
closeCurrentWindow() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.WindowAndTabSteps
Closes the currently active window or browser tab.
closeCurrentWindow() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WindowList
Closes the current window and moves the driver to the previous window.
closeWindow() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.Driver
Closes the current window and moves the driver to the previous window.
columns - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis - package com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis
API Testing Code - Unfinished.
com.dougnoel.sentinel.assertions - package com.dougnoel.sentinel.assertions
com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations - package com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations
Configuration Manager and related files
com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements - package com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements
Contains all of the classes for creating web elements and acting upon them.
com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns - package com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns
com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables - package com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables
com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums - package com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums
Enumerations for page elements.
com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions - package com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions
Package to store all of our custom exceptions.
com.dougnoel.sentinel.files - package com.dougnoel.sentinel.files
com.dougnoel.sentinel.math - package com.dougnoel.sentinel.math
com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages - package com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages
Page object base classes.
com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps - package com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps
Generic step definitions.
com.dougnoel.sentinel.strings - package com.dougnoel.sentinel.strings
Methods for manipulating strings.
com.dougnoel.sentinel.system - package com.dougnoel.sentinel.system
Deals with all downloads and PDF validation.
com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers - package com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers
Contains the methods for dealing with the Selenium Webdrivers.
compare(String, String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.strings.AlphanumComparator
compareTables(int, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableVerificationSteps
Compares the current page we are on with the page stored in memory given the page number and Table element object page for the current page.
compareWithStoredTable(int) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Compares the given number of a page stored in memory and compares it to the one currently being displayed.
Configuration - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations
Manages configuration actions, changes, and interaction with PageObject including functionality to get default timeout, default time units, environment data, config path and package lists from PageObject, current URL or URL from a given pageName, user name or password from given account, env, or page, loads pageData for a given pageName, authentication with SSL, searching directories, and class getter and setter method.
Configuration() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Exists only to defeat instantiation.
CONFIGURATION_FILE - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
CONFIGURATION_FILE - Static variable in exception com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions.FileException
ConfigurationData - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations
ConfigurationData() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.ConfigurationData
configurationNotFoundErrorMessage(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Returns a formatted error message.
configurations - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.ConfigurationData
constructElementWait(Duration) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Creates a FluentWait Webdriver object for searching for elements.
CONTAIN - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.CsvSteps
CONTAIN - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableVerificationSteps
CONTAINS_TEXT - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableSteps
containsExecutable(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.PageData
Returns whether or not an executable path exists for the given environment in the page object.
containsUrl(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.YAMLData
Returns whether or not a URL exists for the given environment in the API object.
contextClick() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Context clicks (right click) on an element.
contextClick(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.BaseSteps
Context clicks (right clicks) on an element.
convertPathSeparators(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.FileManager
create(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.JavaURL
createAndSendRequest(RequestType, String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.Request
Construct a request, send it to the active API, and store the response for retrieval.
createByLocator(SelectorType, String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Takes a Sentinel SelectorType and string value and returns a Selenium By locator.
createByLocator(SelectorType, String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.WindowsElement
Takes a Sentinel SelectorType and string value and returns a Selenium By locator specifically for Windows elements.
createChromeDriver() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WebDriverFactory
Creates a ChromeDriver.
createDownloadDirectory() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.DownloadManager
Sets downloadDirectory upon creation of the Download manager.
createElement(String, Page) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.ElementFactory
Returns an Object that is an Element using the element name and Page.
createGridDriver(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.GridWebDriverFactory
createRowData() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Creates row data by searching each passed row element for cells, and then adding cells to the table's rows list.
createSaucelabsDriver() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.SauceLabsDriverFactory
Creates a single threaded Saucelabs WebDriver.
createWindowsDriver() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WindowsDriverFactory
Creates a new Appium service and starts a new instance of WinAppDriver.exe associated to that service.
CSS - Enum constant in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.SelectorType
CSS - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.Page
csvContents - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
CsvFile - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.files
CsvFile() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Create default CSV file from most recently-downloaded path.
CsvFile(int) - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Create a CSV file configured with the given number of header rows from the CSV file at the most recently downloaded path.
CsvFile(Path) - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Create default CSV file from specified path.
CsvFile(Path, int) - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Create a CSV file configured with the given number of header rows from the CSV file at the given path.
CsvFile(Path, CSVFormat) - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Create a CSV file with the given file format from the CSV file at the specified path.
CsvFile(Path, CSVFormat, int) - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Create a CSV file configured with the given number of header rows and CSVFormat from the CSV file at the given path.
csvFormat - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
CsvSteps - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps
CsvSteps() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.CsvSteps
currentTestFile - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.FileManager
currentWindow - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WindowList


Decimal - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.math
Decimal() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.math.Decimal
DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.AccountSteps
DELETE - Enum constant in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.RequestType
deleteCsvRow(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.CsvSteps
Edits the current CSV file and completely removes the given row.
deleteRow(int) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Deletes a row from the CSV file
detectOperatingSystem() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Returns the simple operating system of windows, mac or linux.
doesNotExist() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Returns true if an element is neither found nor displayed otherwise false.
doesNotHaveAttribute(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Returns true if the attribute does not exist for the element; otherwise returns false.
doesNotHaveOption(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns.SelectElement
Checks if the exact passed text is an available option in the select.
doesWindowExist(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.Driver
Checks if a window is found within the session
doesWindowExist(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.SentinelDriver
Checks if a window is found within the session
doesWindowExist(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WindowList
Checks if a window of the passed title exists
downloadDirectory - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.DownloadManager
DownloadManager - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.system
Manages Download actions and interactions, which handles CRUD and IO for Sentinel.
DownloadManager() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.DownloadManager
DownloadVerificationSteps - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps
DownloadVerificationSteps() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.DownloadVerificationSteps
dragAndDrop(Element) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Drags the current element on top of the target element.
dragAndDropToObject(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.BaseSteps
Drags the first element onto the second element.
driver - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.SentinelDriver
driver - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WebDriverFactory
driver - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WindowList
driver() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
driver() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.PageManager
Driver - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers
Manages all drivers.
Driver() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.Driver
Exists only to defeat instantiation.
drivers - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.Driver
Dropdown - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns
Dropdown implementation of a WebElement.
Dropdown(String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns.Dropdown
Implementation of a SelectElement to initialize how an element is going to be found when it is worked on by the WebDriver class.


element() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Returns the Selenium WebElement if it can be found on the current page.
element() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.WindowsElement
Returns the Selenium WebElement if it can be found on the current page.
element(By) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Returns a Selenium WebElement using the current element as the beginning search point for the passed By locator.
Element - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements
Base element class that handles creation of element types and allows late binding.
Element(String, String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Element(String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
The constructor for a WebElement to initialize how an element is going to be found when it is worked on by the WebDriver class.
elementClasses - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.ElementFactory
ElementFactory - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements
An implementation of the Factory design pattern for creating Elements for Page objects.
ElementFactory() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.ElementFactory
ElementFunctions - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements
Retrieves as an element as an Element or as a child type.
ElementFunctions() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.ElementFunctions
elements - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.Page
elements - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.PageData
elementType - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
enterAssociatedTextInTable(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableSteps
Enters a text value in a table in a row.
enterRandomText(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TextSteps
Appends or prepends random alphanumeric text or unique system time in milliseconds to the given text and enters this new text into a text box that matches the given elementName as defined on the Page object.
enterStoredText(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TextSteps
Types the randomly generated text for the given key under which the text is stored in the given elementName.
enterText(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TextSteps
Enters the text into a text box that matches the given elementName as defined on the current Page object, and stores the text entered into the Configuration Manager using the element name as the key.
ENV - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
ENV_REPLACE_STRING - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
environment() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Returns the system environment.
equalizeImages(Color, BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.ImageVerificationSteps
Takes a background color and two images, and returns a map of processed images.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
executable() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Returns the Executable for the currently active page based on the environment value set.
executable(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Returns an Executable path for the given page name based on the environment value set.
EXECUTABLE - Enum constant in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.PageObjectType
EXECUTABLE - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.Page
executables - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.PageData
exists() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WebDriverFactory
existsAtThisInstant() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Performs exactly 1 sweep across the DOM for the element (includes all selectors).


fetchDataFromCellInterior(WebElement) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Accepts a WebElement for a cell, and attempts first to get a value from a child input.
file - Variable in exception com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions.FileException
FileException - Exception in com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions
Creating an unchecked YAMLFileException so that we can fail a test without failing the entire program execution and create custom messages for all the failures that can happen reading a YAML file.
FileException(File) - Constructor for exception com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions.FileException
Creates a custom exception message and logs it to the error log.
FileException(String, File) - Constructor for exception com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions.FileException
Creates a custom exception message and logs it to the error log.
FileException(String, Throwable, File) - Constructor for exception com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions.FileException
Creates a custom exception message and logs it to the error log.
FileException(Throwable, File) - Constructor for exception com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions.FileException
Creates a custom exception message and logs it to the error log.
fileExtension - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.DownloadManager
FileManager - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.system
FileManager() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.FileManager
filePath() - Method in exception com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions.FileException
Returns the absolute path to the file or directory that threw the error.
fillAccountInfoIntoUsernameAndPasswordFields(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.AccountSteps
Looks up the default account in the page object yaml file based on the environment and enters the user name and password information into the specified fields.
fillAccountInfoIntoUsernameAndPasswordFields(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.AccountSteps
Looks up the given account in the page object yaml file based on the environment and enters the user name and password information into the specified fields.
fillPasswordField(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.AccountSteps
Looks up the default account in the page object yaml file based on the environment and enters the password information into the specified field.
fillPasswordField(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.AccountSteps
Looks up the given account in the page object yaml file based on the environment and enters the password information into the specified field.
fillUsernameField(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.AccountSteps
Looks up the default account in the page object yaml file based on the environment and enters the user name information into the specified field.
fillUsernameField(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.AccountSteps
Looks up the given account in the page object yaml file based on the environment and enters the user name information into the specified field.
findElementData(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.ElementFactory
Returns a Map <String, String> which contains all data for an element that is declared in the page object YAML file for the given page.
findElementInCurrentFrame() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Searches for the current element within the current frame context.
findElementInIFrame() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Searches recursively through any iFrames on the page for the element.
findFilePath(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.FileManager
Returns the absolute path to the file searching the root directory of the project and any sub directories.
findPageObjectFilePath(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Returns the file path for a given page object.
format(String, Object...) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.strings.SentinelStringUtils
Returns a formatted String by replacing each instance of {} place holders with the given arguments.
formatDecimal(double, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.math.Decimal
Takes an unformatted value, and formats it to the given decimal places with rounding or truncation using BigDecimal.
formatDecimal(int, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.math.Decimal
Takes an unformatted value, and formats it to the given decimal places with rounding or truncation using BigDecimal.
formatDecimal(long, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.math.Decimal
Takes an unformatted value, and formats it to the given decimal places with rounding or truncation using BigDecimal.
formatDecimal(BigDecimal, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.math.Decimal
Takes an unformatted value, and formats it to the given decimal places with rounding or truncation.


GET - Enum constant in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.RequestType
getAccount(String, String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.YAMLData
Returns account data for the given environment and the given account, e.g.
getActiveTestObject() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.TestManager
getAllCellDataForColumn(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Returns a list of all the cell values in the given column.
getAllPropertiesWithPrefix(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Returns a Set<String> containing all property (key) names in the Configuration's stored Properties (appProps) that start with the given prefix.
getAllText() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.TestFile
Returns all text from the file in a single String.
getAPI() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.APIManager
Returns the currently active API
getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
From selenium's javadoc:
Get the value of the given attribute of the element.
getBackgroundColor() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Returns the background color of the element, or it's inherited background color from a parent if transparent.
getBackgroundColor() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.WindowsElement
Windows does not support color information, as such this is an unsupported operation for windows elements.
getBackgroundColor(WebElement) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Returns the background color of the element, or it's inherited background color from a parent if transparent.
getBy() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Returns the first stored selector for this element.
getCellData(String, int) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Gets data for specific cell in the table.
getCells(WebElement) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Returns list of all cells in the given tableRow, and logs the first cell and then row cells in separate log entries.
getCellsValue(List<Integer>, List<String>) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Returns all the cells values in the listed columns
getChunk(String, int, int) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.strings.AlphanumComparator
Length of string is passed in for improved efficiency (only need to calculate it once)
getClassPath(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.FileManager
Returns a valid class path for instantiating a java class given a class name.
getColorAtOffset() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.WindowsElement
Returns the Color of the pixel one below and one to the right of the top left pixel of the element.
getColorAtOffset(int, int) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.WindowsElement
Returns the Color of the pixel at the given xOffset, yOffset relative to the top left pixel of the element.
getColumnHeaderElement(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Returns the WebElement for a column header.
getColumnIndex(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Gets the index of the given column name, starting at 1.
getConfigurationValue(String, String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.ConfigurationData
Returns the configuration value for the given environment and key .
getCurrentPageObjectType() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.PageManager
Returns what the page Manager believes to be the current page object type.
getCurrentTestFile() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.FileManager
Get the current file under test.
getCurrentUrl() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.Driver
Returns the URL of the current page.
getDefaultBrowserVersion(URL) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.GridWebDriverFactory
getDownloadDirectory() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.DownloadManager
Returns the download directory
getElement(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.ElementFunctions
Returns a Element object for a given elementName string from current page.
getElement(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.Page
Returns an Element if it exists in the page object yaml file.
getElement(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.PageData
Returns an element if it exists in a page object.
getElement(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Returns an element if found in the PAGE_DATA store for the passed page name.
getElement(By) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Searches for an element using the given locator and executes immediately
getElementAsCustom(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.ElementFunctions
Returns an element from the active page in any type you cast it as.
getElementAsDropdown(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.ElementFunctions
Returns the Dropdown associated with the element name on the currently active page.
getElementAsSelectElement(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.ElementFunctions
Returns the PageSelectElement associated with the element name on the currently active page.
getElementAsTable(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.ElementFunctions
Returns the Table associated with the element name on the currently active page.
getElementInRowThatContains(int, Element) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Returns a WebElement found inside the indicated row using another element in the row passed to this method to find it.
getElementInRowThatContains(int, By) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Returns a WebElement found inside the indicated row using the locator passed.
getElementInRowThatContains(String, String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Returns a WebElement found inside the indicated row, taking unique text to find the row and unique text to find a specific element in that row.
getElementInRowThatContains(String, By) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Returns a WebElement found inside the indicated row, taking unique text to find the row and unique By locator to find a specific element in that row.
getElementInRowThatContains(By, String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Returns a WebElement found inside the indicated row, taking unique text to find the row and unique By locator to find a specific element in that row.
getElementInRowThatContains(By, By) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Returns a WebElement found inside the indicated row, taking a locator to find the row and a locator to find a specific element in that row.
getExecutable(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.PageData
Returns an executable path based on the environment passed.
getFile() - Method in exception com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions.FileException
Returns the File set when this exception was created.
getFileNames() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.ZipFile
Gets a List of all file names within the zip.
getHandleFromTitle(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WindowList
Search the available window handles to find a window with the expected title.
getHeaderElements() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Returns all header elements.
getIFrames() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.Page
Returns a list of WebElement objects containing all the iFrames on the page.
getImagePath(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.FileManager
Returns the path for saving an image using the passed sub-directory, file name, and the configured, console set, or default "logs/images" directory.
getJsAlertText() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.Page
Gets the text on the JS alert.
getLocation() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Returns a Point object that represents the top-left corner of the element.
getMessage() - Method in exception com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions.FileException
Returns a custom error message based on the Exception that initially caused this to be thrown.
getMostPrevalentColor() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Returns the most prevalent color present in the element.
getMostRecentDownloadPath() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.DownloadManager
Gets path of the most recently-downloaded file.
getName() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.YAMLData
Returns the name of the YAMLFile
getName() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Returns the name of the element as it is stored in the yaml file.
getName() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.YAMLObject
Return the name of the object.
getNumberOfColumns() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Returns the number of columns in the table.
getNumberOfDataRows() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Returns the number of rows of data in the CSV file.
getNumberOfOptions() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns.SelectElement
Returns the number of options in this Select element.
getNumberOfPropertiesWithPrefix(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Returns the number of properties in the Configuration's stored Properties (appProps) that start with the given prefix.
getNumberOfRows() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.NGXDataTable
Returns number of row elements from getOrCreateRowElements
getNumberOfRows() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Returns number of row elements from getOrCreateRowElements
getNumberOfTotalRows() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Returns the total number of rows in the CSV file, including headers.
getOption(int) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns.JSDropdownElement
Returns a WebElement for an option with the given index.
getOption(int) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns.MaterialUISelect
Returns a WebElement for an option with the given index.
getOption(int) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns.PrimeNGDropdown
Returns a WebElement for an option with the given index.
getOption(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns.JSDropdownElement
Returns a WebElement for an option with the given text.
getOption(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns.MaterialUISelect
Returns a WebElement for an option with the given text.
getOption(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns.PrimeNGDropdown
Returns a WebElement for an option with the given text.
getOrCreateColumns() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Returns the mapping of header strings to cell arrays for each column in the table.
getOrCreateConfigurationData(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Returns the configuration value for the given configuration property and the given environment from the ConfigurationData class.
getOrCreateHeaderElements() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Returns the header elements in the table as a list of WebElements, creates row elements if no <th$gt; elements are found, and logs the number of Header Elements
getOrCreateHeaders() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Returns the headers in the table as a list of Strings, populates with the first row if there are no <th> tags.
getOrCreateRowElements() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Returns <tr> elements found in a table.
getOrCreateRows() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Returns array of cell arrays, with data for each cell, in the table.
getPage() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.PageManager
This method returns the current Page Object stored in the Page Manager.
getPageObjectType() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.Page
Returns either WEBPAGE or EXECUTABLE based on the type of page object this is.
getPageObjectType(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Returns the type of page object.
getPageParts() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.YAMLData
Returns any other places we might be including test data from.
getPageParts(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Returns a String array containing all the included pages in a page object (if any).
getParser() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
getReponseTime() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.Response
Returns the amount of time the response took to get.
getRequest() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.API
getResponse() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.APIManager
Returns the most recent response.
getResponse() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.Response
Returns the http response as a String
getResponseCode() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.Response
Returns the response code from the response
getScreenshot() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Returns a screenshot File of the current element.
getScreenshot() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.WindowsElement
Returns a screenshot File of the current element.
getSentinelDriver() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.Driver
Returns the SentinelDriver instance.
getTestdata(String, String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.YAMLData
Returns testdata data for the given environment and the given dataobject (named in the YAML page object).
getTestData(YAMLData, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Helper method to get testdata from API and Page objects.
getTestData(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Returns the value of the given key of the given testdata object in the current environment.
getText() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns.JSDropdownElement
Gets the text of the first item currently selected.
getText() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns.PrimeNGDropdown
Gets the text of the first item currently selected.
getText() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns.SelectElement
Gets the text of the first item currently selected.
getText() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Returns the text of the page element as a String.
getText() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Textbox
Gets the value entered into the textbox and returns it as a String.
getText() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.WindowsElement
Returns the text of the page element as a String.
getText(int) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns.JSDropdownElement
Gets the value of the item at the given index.
getText(int) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns.PrimeNGDropdown
Gets the value of the item at the given index.
getText(int) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns.SelectElement
Gets the value of the item at the given index.
getTitle() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.Driver
Returns the title of the current tab
getTooltipText() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Returns the tooltip value of the element.
getType() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.YAMLObject
Return the type of object this is.
getURIBuilder(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.API
Returns a constructed from the URL listed in the API yaml file.
getUrl(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.YAMLData
Returns a URL based on the environment passed.
getURL(YAMLObject) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
getWebDriver() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.Driver
Returns the WebDriver instance.
getWebDriver() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.SentinelDriver
Returns the webdriver
getWebDriver() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WebDriverFactory
Returns the WebDriver instance.
getYAMLData(YAMLObject) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Returns yamlData for the given yamlObject by determining what type it is and calling the appropriate method.
goToLastWindow() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WindowList
Moves the driver to the last window in our list, which is presumably the most recent one created.
goToNewWindow() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.Driver
Asks the current driver to wait for, and move forwards to, the next new window in the list.
goToNewWindow() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.SentinelDriver
Wait for, and go to, next window.
goToNewWindow() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WindowList
Wait for a new window to be added, and moves the driver to the last window added.
goToNextWindow() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.Driver
Asks the current driver to move forwards to the next window in the list.
goToNextWindow() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.SentinelDriver
Go to next window.
goToNextWindow() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WindowList
Moves the driver to the next window.
goToPreviousWindow() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.Driver
Asks the current driver to move backwards to the previous window in the list.
goToPreviousWindow() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.SentinelDriver
Go to previous window.
goToPreviousWindow() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WindowList
Moves the driver to the previous window.
goToTitledWindow(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.Driver
Sets the window that the driver will be using by handle/title
goToTitledWindow(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.SentinelDriver
Wait for, and go to, the window with the same title as the given string.
goToTitledWindow(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WindowList
Switches to the window whose title matches the string passed
GridWebDriverFactory - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers
GridWebDriverFactory() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.GridWebDriverFactory


hasAttribute(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Returns true if the attribute exists for the element; otherwise returns false.
hasExecutables() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.PageData
Returns whether or not the page object contains an executables section.
hashCode() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
hasIFrames() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.Page
Returns true if iFrames exist on the page, false if they do not.
hasOption(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns.SelectElement
Checks if the exact passed text is an available option in the select.
hasProperHeaderElements - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
hasUrls() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.PageData
Returns whether or not the page object contains a urls section.
headerElements - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
headers - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.Request
headers - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
hover() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Hovers over an element using Actions.
hover(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.BaseSteps
Hovers the middle of the given element
HttpBodyType - Enum in com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums
HttpBodyType() - Constructor for enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.HttpBodyType
httpRequest - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.Request
httpResponse - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.Response


i_see_the_text_appears_on_pages_of_the_pdf(String, int, Integer) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.PDFVerificationSteps
Validates whether the currently open pdf contains the given text on the page(s) passed to it.
ID - Enum constant in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.SelectorType
ID - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.Page
iInitializeTheData(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.APISteps
Adds the parsed string keys and values in Configuration for later use
IMAGE_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.FileManager
ImageSteps - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps
ImageSteps() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.ImageSteps
ImageVerificationSteps - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps
ImageVerificationSteps() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.ImageVerificationSteps
include - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.YAMLData
INDEX - Enum constant in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.SelectorType
inputStreamToString(InputStream) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.strings.SentinelStringUtils
Returns a String for a given InputStream object.
instantiateWebDriver() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WebDriverFactory
Creates and returns a useable WebDriver.
interval - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Time
interval() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Time
Returns 10 milliseconds in a Duration object for the interval between element searches.
IOException - Exception in com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions
Wrapping so that it is a RuntimeException.
IOException() - Constructor for exception com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions.IOException
Creates an exception that will not halt execution.
IOException(String) - Constructor for exception com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions.IOException
Takes a message.
IOException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions.IOException
Takes a message and a Throwable.
IOException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions.IOException
Takes a Throwable.
IOEXCEPTION_CAUGHT_WHILE_PARSING_CSV_FILE - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
isDigit(char) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.strings.AlphanumComparator
isDisabled() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Returns true if the element is disabled or readonly; false otherwise Expects the element to be disabled, and if it is not, this method will check every 10 milliseconds until it is up to the configured timeout time (10 second default).
isDisplayed() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Returns true if the element is displayed, otherwise returns false if it is hidden/invisible.
isEnabled() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Returns true if the element is enabled and doesn't have the attribute readonly; false otherwise.
isFileDownloaded(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.DownloadManager
Returns true if the file exists in the download directory.
isHidden() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Returns true if the element is hidden, otherwise returns false if it is visible/displayed.
isJsAlertPresent() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.Page
Returns true if a Javascript alert is present.
isNotSelected() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Returns true if the element is not selected; false if it is.
isPageLoaded() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.PageManager
Returns true if document.readyState is complete for the current non-windows-application driver, meaning the page has loaded successfully.
isSelected() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Returns true if the element is selected; false if it is not.


JavaURL - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.system
Wrapper for the Java URL object that throws a runtime exception when creating a URL object so that failure does not halt all tests.
JavaURL() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.JavaURL
JSDropdownElement - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns
A number of angular and react libraries make their own dropdowns that are do not use select elements.
JSDropdownElement(String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns.JSDropdownElement
/** Implementation of a Dropdown to initialize how an element is going to be found when it is worked on by the WebDriver class.
jsonResponse - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.Response


keyPressElement(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TextSteps
Sends a key press event for any special key.


LINUX - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
loadCsvFile() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
loadJavascript(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.FileManager
Take the path of a javscript file in linux format and converts it to load on any OS.
loadPageData(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Returns page data through yaml instructions to a config path in given pageName string.
loadRequestBody(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.APISteps
Loads the indicated testdata located in the API object yaml file to use as the json for the body of the request.
loadYaml(File) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.YAMLData
Returns the usable YAMLData object from the given File object.
loadYaml(File) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.PageData
Returns the usable PageData object from the given File object.
loadYaml(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.YAMLData
Returns YAMLData for the given fileName as a string.
loadYaml(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.PageData
Returns PageData for the given fileName as a string.
loadYAMLData(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Returns data from yaml file.
LOCALIZEDCONTROLTYPE - Enum constant in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.SelectorType
log - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.Request
log - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
log - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Time
log - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns.MaterialUISelect
log - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns.PrimeNGDropdown
log - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
log - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.ElementFactory
log - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.ElementFunctions
log - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.NGXDataTable
log - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
log - Static variable in exception com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions.FileException
log - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
log - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.PageManager
log - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.APISteps
log - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.BaseSteps
log - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.CsvSteps
log - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.ImageSteps
log - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.ImageVerificationSteps
log - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableVerificationSteps
log - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TextVerificationSteps
log - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.UploadSteps
log - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.WindowAndTabVerificationSteps
log - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.DownloadManager
log - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.FileManager
log - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.SauceLabsDriverFactory
log - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WebDriverFactory
log - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WindowsDriverFactory
logMessage() - Method in exception com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions.FileException
Logs the error if it is not a missing sentinel.yml configuration file.
longProcessTimeout - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Time
longProcessTimeout() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Time
Returns the value set in the longProcessTimeout property in seconds, or a default of 60 seconds if nothing was configured.
loopInterval - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Time
loopInterval() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Time
Returns 100 milliseconds in a Duration object for the interval between element searches and interactions.


MAC - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
MalformedURLException - Exception in com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions
Wrapping so that it is a RuntimeException.
MalformedURLException() - Constructor for exception com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions.MalformedURLException
Creates an exception that will not halt execution.
MalformedURLException(String) - Constructor for exception com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions.MalformedURLException
Takes a message.
MalformedURLException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions.MalformedURLException
Takes a message and a Throwable.
MalformedURLException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions.MalformedURLException
Takes a Throwable.
markCurrentWindow() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WindowList
Track the current window.
MaterialUISelect - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns
Implementation of an Material-UI Select.
MaterialUISelect(String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns.MaterialUISelect
Implementation of a JSDropdownElement to initialize how an element is going to be found when it is worked on by the WebDriver class.
maximizeWindow() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.Driver
Maximizes the browser window.
maximizeWindow() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.SentinelDriver
Maximize the window.
monitorDownload() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.DownloadManager
Monitors the current set download directory and returns a filename once the file is downloaded.
monitorDownload(Runnable) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.DownloadManager
Monitors the current set download directory, performs some action, and returns a filename once the file is downloaded.
monitorDownload(String, String, Runnable) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.DownloadManager
Returns the name of a downloaded file by monitoring the given download directory and looking for a file to be downloaded with the given file extension.
mostRecentDownloadPath - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.DownloadManager
MULTIPARTFORMDATA - Enum constant in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.HttpBodyType


name - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.YAMLData
name - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
NAME - Enum constant in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.SelectorType
NAME - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.Page
navigateBack() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.Driver
Asks the current driver to emulate clicking the browser's back button.
navigateBack() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.SentinelDriver
Emulate clicking the browser's back button.
navigateForward() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.Driver
Asks the current driver to emulate clicking the browser's forward button.
navigateForward() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.SentinelDriver
Emulate clicking the browser's forward button.
navigateToPage(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.BaseSteps
Loads a page or starts an executable based on the environment you are currently testing.
navigateToPageWithArguments(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.BaseSteps
Loads a page based on the environment you are currently testing.
NGXDataTable - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables
Implements an ngx-datatable WebElement.
NGXDataTable(String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.NGXDataTable
Creates an NGX-DataTable object overriding the Table creator and setting the values necessary for this object to work correctly.
NoSuchActionException - Exception in com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions
Thrown when an attempt is made to instantiate an Action object that is not defined for the given API object.
NoSuchActionException(String) - Constructor for exception com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions.NoSuchActionException
NoSuchActionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions.NoSuchActionException
nullSafeMessage() - Method in exception com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions.FileException
Returns a message without "null" showing up in it.
numberOfDriversRunning - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WindowsDriverFactory
numHeaderRows - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile


of(String) - Static method in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.SelectorType
open(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.PageManager
Creates a WebDriver if it doesn't exist and opens up the webpage or application.
openMostRecentlyDownloadedFileAsCsv(int) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.CsvSteps
Sets the most recently-downloaded file to be the current file-under-test with the given number of header rows.
openNewWindow(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.WindowAndTabSteps
Opens the given pageName in a new window
openSpecificFileAsCsv(String, int) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.CsvSteps
Sets the given file to be the current file-under-test with the given number of header rows.
operatingSystem() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Returns a sanitized version of the operating system set in the config file or on the command line.
ordinal(int) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.strings.SentinelStringUtils
Constructs the ordinal string of the given int.
out() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Time
Returns the value set in the timeout property in seconds, or a default of 10 seconds if nothing was configured.


page - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.PageManager
Page - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages
Page class to contain the details of an page.
Page(String) - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.Page
PAGE - Enum constant in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.YAMLObjectType
PAGE_DATA - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
PageData - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages
The PageData class is a singleton class that encapsulates page configuration data into a usable java class.
PageData() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.PageData
PageFactory - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages
The Page Factory is a factory method that simply takes a string containing the name of a Page Object and returns the object to be worked on.
PageFactory() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.PageFactory
PageManager - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages
The Page Manager is a singleton class that manages what page the test is on.
PageManager() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.PageManager
pageObjectType - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.PageManager
PageObjectType - Enum in com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums
The possible types a PageObject can be.
PageObjectType() - Constructor for enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.PageObjectType
pages - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.PageFactory
pages - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.SentinelDriver
pageType - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.Page
parameters - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.Request
parseOrdinal(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.strings.SentinelStringUtils
Converts the leading integer portion of a string to an int.
PARTIALTEXT - Enum constant in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.SelectorType
PARTIALTEXT - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.Page
PASSWORD - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.AccountSteps
PDFVerificationSteps - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps
PDFVerificationSteps() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.PDFVerificationSteps
POST - Enum constant in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.RequestType
pressBrowserButton(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.BaseSteps
Navigates through basic browser actions: forward, back and refresh
PrimeNGDropdown - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns
Implementation of an NGPrime Dropdown.
PrimeNGDropdown(String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns.PrimeNGDropdown
Implementation of a JSDropdownElement to initialize how an element is going to be found when it is worked on by the WebDriver class.
processBackgroundColor(PageObjectType, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.ImageVerificationSteps
Uses the element/page/window name and page object type to return the appropriate background color for image expansion
processScreenshot(PageObjectType, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.ImageVerificationSteps
Takes a screenshot of the given page/window/element, using the page type to dictate how it shall process the output, and returns the generated file.
pruneClosedWindows() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WindowList
If any windows have been closed, remove them from our list.
PUT - Enum constant in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.RequestType


quit() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.SentinelDriver
Quit the driver and cleanup.
quit() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WebDriverFactory
Quits the driver and sets the driver instance back to null.
quit(WindowsDriver<WebElement>) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WindowsDriverFactory
Quits the WindowsDriver process passed to it.
quitAllDrivers() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.Driver
Quits all drivers and removes them from the list of active drivers.


readAllCellDataForColumn(int) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Returns a ;List<String>, each element being a row's data in the given column.
readAllCellDataForColumn(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Returns a ;List<String>, each element being a row's data in the given column.
readAllFileContents() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Creates a list of lists, each list being a set of values for each row in the file.
readCellData(int, int) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Returns the value at the given column, row in the file.
readCellData(String, int) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Returns the value at the given column, row in the file.
readHeaders() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Returns a List<String> consisting of the header values in the row right above where the actual data starts.
readImage(File) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.FileManager
Reads an image from disk using the path passed with a File Object
readImage(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.FileManager
Reads an image from disk from the configured, console set, or default "logs/images" directory.
readRowData(int) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Returns a List<String> consisting of each value in a given row.
refresh() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.Driver
Asks the current driver to emulate clicking the browser's refresh button.
refresh() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.SentinelDriver
Emulate clicking the browser's refresh button.
replaceStoredVariables(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.strings.SentinelStringUtils
Returns a string with any strings with pattern "\\{\S*?\\}" replaced with values stored in configuration.
replaceVariable(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.strings.SentinelStringUtils
Returns a string with any strings enclosed in curly braces "{}" replaced with values stored in the passed YAMLData object under testdata/variables.
request - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.API
Request - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis
Request() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.Request
RequestType - Enum in com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums
API request types
RequestType() - Constructor for enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.RequestType
reset() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.Request
Reset all values so we can make a new request.
reset() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Time
Resets the timeout value so it will be re-read from the configuration.
reset() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Resets table data when comparing multiple pages of the same table.
response - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.APIManager
Response - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis
Wrapper for an hhtp response for testing the response.
Response(HttpResponse) - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.Response
responseTime - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.Response
retrieveClassBySimpleName(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.ElementFactory
Returns Class <?> corresponding to the passed elementType if it exists in the com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements package.
rowElements - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
rows - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
RUNTIMEID - Enum constant in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.SelectorType


sanitizeString(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.FileManager
SauceLabsDriverFactory - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers
SauceLabsDriverFactory() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.SauceLabsDriverFactory
saveImage(String, String, BufferedImage) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.FileManager
Saves a BufferImage to an optionally set sub-directory of the configured, console set, or default "logs/images" directory.
saveImage(String, String, File) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.FileManager
Saves an image File to an optionally set sub-directory of the configured, console set, or default "logs/images" directory.
saveImageInPDF(int, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.DownloadManager
Returns the path of an image containing the entire contents of the PDF page given.
scenario - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.ImageVerificationSteps
screenRecorder - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.SentinelScreenRecorder
screenshotElement() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.WindowsElement
Returns a BufferedImage taken of the current element
searchDirectory(File, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.FileManager
Returns a File handler to a file if it is found in the given directory or any sub-directories.
select(int) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns.JSDropdownElement
Selects an option from a drop down using the ordinal value of the item to select.
select(int) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns.SelectElement
Selects an option from a drop down using the ordinal value of the item to select.
select(SelectorType, String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns.SelectElement
Selects an option from a drop down.
select(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns.JSDropdownElement
Selects an option from a drop down using the text value of the item to select.
select(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns.SelectElement
Selects an option from a drop down using the text value of the item to select.
SelectElement - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns
Extends Element.
SelectElement(String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns.SelectElement
Implementation of a Element to initialize how an element is going to be found when it is worked on by the WebDriver class.
selectItemFromElement(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.SelectSteps
Selects the given option in the select element, then stores the selected value in the Configuration Manager using the element name as the key.
selectOrdinalItemFromElement(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.SelectSteps
Selects the ordinal option on the element and then stores the text value of that selection in the Configuration Manager using the element name as the key.
selectors - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
SelectorType - Enum in com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums
A list of ways to identify web elements on a web page.
SelectorType() - Constructor for enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.SelectorType
SelectSteps - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps
SelectSteps() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.SelectSteps
SelectVerificationSteps - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps
SelectVerificationSteps() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.SelectVerificationSteps
SELECTWAITTIME - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.dropdowns.PrimeNGDropdown
sendFilePaths(List<String>) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Sends a constructed collection of absolute paths of a given file locator string list to an element for use with file upload elements.
sendKeys(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Enter text into a Element.
sendKeys(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.WindowsElement
Enter text into a Element.
sendKeysLoop(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Loops through all the ways to send text to an element.
sendMostRecentDownloadToInputElement(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.UploadSteps
Uploads the file that was most recently downloaded to a given input element.
sendPathsToInputElement(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.UploadSteps
Uploads files whose paths are stored in the testdata section of the page object to a given input element.
sendRequest() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.Request
Send the request, store the response for later retrieval, and reset the request so it can be used again by the API for another request.
sendRequest(RequestType, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.APIManager
Send a request of the given type.
sendRequest(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.APISteps
Sends a DELETE, GET, POST or PUT request to the specified endpoint.
sendRequest(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.APISteps
Sends a GET or DELETE to the specified endpoint for the indicated record.
sendSpecialKey(Keys) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Sends a unicode character to the element directly.
sentinelConfigurations - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
SentinelDriver - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers
Tracks all the windows attached to a particular driver.
SentinelDriver(WebDriver) - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.SentinelDriver
SentinelScreenRecorder - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.system
SentinelScreenRecorder() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.SentinelScreenRecorder
SentinelStringUtils - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.strings
SentinelStringUtils() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.strings.SentinelStringUtils
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.ConfigurationData
Config file for sentinel Configuration Settings.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions.FileException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions.IOException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions.MalformedURLException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception com.dougnoel.sentinel.exceptions.NoSuchActionException
setActiveTestObject(YAMLObject) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.TestManager
setAllColumnValuesInCsvFile(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.CsvSteps
Edits the current CSV file, setting every cell in the given column to the given value.
setAPI(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.APIManager
Stores an API using the passed API name to instantiate it.
setAPI(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.APISteps
Loads an API based on the environment you are currently testing.
setBody(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.APIManager
Sets the body of a new request for the current API
setBody(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.Request
Creates a StringEntity to hold the json body.
setChromeDownloadDirectory(ChromeOptions) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WebDriverFactory
Sets the download directory for chromedriver.
setCurrentTestFile(TestFile) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.FileManager
Sets the current file under test.
setDownloadDirectory(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.DownloadManager
Sets given downloadDirectory object
setFileExtension(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.DownloadManager
Sets given file extension
setHeaders() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.Request
Sets this as a json request.
setMostRecentDownloadPath(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.DownloadManager
Sets the path of the most recently-downloaded file to the current download directory + the given filename.
setMultipartFormDataBody(String, String, InputStream, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.APIManager
Sets the body to a multipart/form-data body, using the given name, boundary, input stream, and filename.
setMultipartFormDataBody(String, String, InputStream, String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.Request
Sets the body to a multipart/form-data body, using the given name, boundary, input stream, and filename.
setPage(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.PageManager
This method sets a Page Object based on the class name passed to it.
setRequestBody(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.APISteps
Sets the body of the active API call to the string passed.
setRequestBodyToMultipartFormDataForFileUpload(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.APISteps
setResponse(Response) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.APIManager
Sets the most recent response.
setResponseTime(Duration) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.apis.Response
Sets the amount of time that the response took to get.
setRowColumnValuesInCsvFile(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.CsvSteps
Edits the current CSV file, setting the cell in a given column and row to the given value.
setSaucelabsProperties(MutableCapabilities) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.SauceLabsDriverFactory
Searches for a saucelabsConfigs value containing a comma delimited list of properties and values in the form -DsaucelabsConfigs="parent-tunnel=myTunnel, tunnelIdentifier=tunnelID"
setSaucelabsProperty(String, String, MutableCapabilities) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.SauceLabsDriverFactory
Sets a single Saucelabs property.
setSaucelabsTestNameProperty(MutableCapabilities) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.SauceLabsDriverFactory
Pulls config values and sets a string to pass to Saucelabs for the job.
startAppiumService() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WindowsDriverFactory
startRecording() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.SentinelScreenRecorder
Starts a recording of the main screen of the computer.
STDERR - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WindowsDriverFactory
STDOUT - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WindowsDriverFactory
stopRecording() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.SentinelScreenRecorder
Stops the recording of the main screen of the computer.
storeElementAttributeAs(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TextSteps
Stores the value of a given attribute for a given element
storeScreenshotOfElement(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.ImageSteps
Takes a screenshot of the given element and stores it for later comparison
storeTable() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Stores the current tables rows in index 1.
storeTable(int) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Stores the current table rows on the current page in an index given by the integer passed in the pageNumber parameter.
storeTableValues(int, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableSteps
Stores the data for the given page in the given table for later comparison.
storeText(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TextSteps
Stores the text of a given element for later reference
STRING - Enum constant in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.HttpBodyType
stripSurroundingQuotes(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.strings.SentinelStringUtils
Returns the string passed without surrounding single (') or double (") quotes if they exist.
SURROUNDING_QUOTES - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.strings.SentinelStringUtils
switchTo(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.WindowAndTabSteps
Redirects to the given pageName
switchTo(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.WindowAndTabSteps
Opens the given pageName in an existing window


Table - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables
Implements a Table WebElement.
Table(String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Creates a table object to manipulate.
TableAssert - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.assertions
TableAssert() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.assertions.TableAssert
protected constructor since this is a static class
tableCellDataTag - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
tableDataCellLocator - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
tableHeadersExist() - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Returns true if the table has <th> elements, otherwise returns false even though the first row will be used to populate the headers list.
tableHeaderSortElementLocator - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
tableHeaderTag - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
tableRowLocator - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
tableRowTag - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
tables - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
tableSiblingCellLocator - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
TableSteps - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps
TableSteps() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableSteps
TableVerificationSteps - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps
TableVerificationSteps() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableVerificationSteps
TAGNAME - Enum constant in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.SelectorType
testdata - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.YAMLData
TestFile - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.files
TestFile() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.TestFile
Creates a TestFile from the DownloadManager's latest download and immediately checks that it exists.
TestFile(Path) - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.TestFile
Creates a TestFile and immediately checks that it exists.
TestManager - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.system
TestManager() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.TestManager
TEXT - Enum constant in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.SelectorType
TEXT - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.Page
TEXT - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableSteps
Textbox - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements
Textbox implementation of a Element.
Textbox(String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Textbox
Default Textbox constructor.
TextSteps - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps
TextSteps() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TextSteps
TextVerificationSteps - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps
TextVerificationSteps() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TextVerificationSteps
Time - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations
Time() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Time
timeout - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Time
toBoolean(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Returns the given configuration value stored in the passed property as a boolean, or false if nothing is found.
toDouble(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Returns the given configuration value stored in the passed property as a Double, or 0.0 if nothing is found.
toLong(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Returns the given configuration value stored in the passed property as a Long, or 0L if nothing is found.
toolTipText(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TextVerificationSteps
Used to verify that on mouse over an element contains certain text.
toString(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Returns the configuration for a given property as a String value.
toString(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Returns the configuration for a given property as a String value.
TRAILING_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE_MESSAGE - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.DownloadVerificationSteps


UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.PageObjectType
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.YAMLObjectType
update(String, double) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Updates a configuration value once runtime has started.
update(String, long) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Updates a configuration value once runtime has started.
update(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
Updates a configuration value once runtime has started.
UploadSteps - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps
UploadSteps() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.UploadSteps
urls - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.YAMLData
USERNAME - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.AccountSteps


VALUE - Enum constant in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.SelectorType
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.HttpBodyType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.PageObjectType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.RequestType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.SelectorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.YAMLObjectType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.HttpBodyType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.PageObjectType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.RequestType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.SelectorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.YAMLObjectType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VerificationSteps - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps
Methods used to defined basic validations
VerificationSteps() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.VerificationSteps
verifyAllColumnCellsContain(int, String, boolean) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Returns true if all cells in the given column match the text value given.
verifyAllColumnCellsContain(String, boolean, String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Returns true if all cells in the given column match the text value given.
verifyAllColumnCellsContain(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Returns true if all cells in the given column match the text value given.
verifyAllColumnCellsEmpty(int) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Returns true if all cells in the given column are empty.
verifyAllColumnCellsEmpty(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Returns true if every cell in the given column contains no text (not even whitespace), false if any cell has any text or whitespace
verifyAllColumnCellsEmpty(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Returns true if all cells in the given column are empty.
verifyAllColumnCellsNotEmpty(int) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Returns true if all cells in the given columns are not empty (all cells have content).
verifyAllColumnCellsNotEmpty(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Returns true if every cell in the given column contains any text or whitespace, false if any cell is completely blank
verifyAllColumnCellsNotEmpty(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Returns true if all cells in the given columns are not empty (all cells have content).
verifyAllNumericValuesInColumn(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableVerificationSteps
Verifies all values in the given column are in the given state relative to the given referenceNumber, using the given comparisonType.
verifyAnyColumnCellContains(int, String, boolean) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Returns true if any cells in the given column match the text value given.
verifyAnyColumnCellContains(String, String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Returns true if any cells in the given column contain the text value given.
verifyAnyColumnCellContains(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Returns true if any cell in the given column match the text value given.
verifyAnyColumnCellHas(String, String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Returns true if any cells in the given column exactly match the text value given.
verifyCellDataContains(int, int, String, boolean) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Verifies the cell in the given row and column contains or equals the given text.
verifyCellDataContains(int, String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Verifies the cell in the given row and column contains or equals the given text.
verifyCellInColumnHasText(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableVerificationSteps
Verifies a table column does or does not have a cell that matches the indicated text.
verifyCellInSpecifiedRow(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableVerificationSteps
Verifies that a specific cell, given by the row and column, in the table contains the given text.
verifyCellInSpecifiedRowAgainstStored(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableVerificationSteps
Verifies that a specific cell, given by the row and column, in the table contains the given previously stored text.
verifyColumnCellsAreSorted(String, boolean) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Checks all the cells in a given column and verifies they are sorted in requested Comparator order.
verifyColumnCellsAreSortedAscending(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Checks all the cells in a given column and verifies they are sorted in ascending order.
verifyColumnCellsAreSortedDescending(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Checks all the cells in a given column and verifies they are sorted in ascending order.
verifyColumnCellsAreUnique(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Returns <code>true</code> if the column cells are unique
verifyColumnDisplayOrder(String, String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Verifies that the first column header is displayed before (to the left of) the second column header.
verifyColumnDisplayOrder(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableVerificationSteps
verifyColumnEmptiness(String, boolean) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
verifyColumnExists(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableVerificationSteps
Verifies the given table contains or exactly matches or does not contain or does not exactly match the given column
verifyColumnHeaderEquals(String, boolean) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Returns true if the table has a column header that's equal to the given text.
verifyColumnHeaderEquals(String, boolean) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Returns true if the csv file has the given header.
verifyColumnIsEmpty(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableVerificationSteps
Verifies all cells in the table column are or are not empty.
verifyColumnSort(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableVerificationSteps
Verifies a table column's values are sorted in ascending or descending order.
verifyCsvAllColumnCellsAreEmpty(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.CsvSteps
Verifies all cells in the csv column are or are not empty.
verifyCsvAllColumnCellsHaveValue(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.CsvSteps
Verifies all / not all cells in the given column of the current CSV file have / contain the given text value.
verifyCsvCellHasValue(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.CsvSteps
Verifies the current CSV file has or does not have the given text in the given column and given row.
verifyCsvColumnExists(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.CsvSteps
Verifies the given table contains or exactly matches or does not contain or does not exactly match the given column
verifyDownloadedPDFViaVisualRendering(File, File) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.DownloadManager
Verifies the content of the two files, specified by the given paths, have the EXACT same content based on a graphical pixel-to-pixel comparison.
verifyDownloadedPDFViaVisualRendering(File, File, double, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.DownloadManager
Verifies the content of the two files, specified by the given paths, have the same content based on a graphical pixel-to-pixel comparison.
verifyDropdownHasNumberOfOptions(String, String, int) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.SelectVerificationSteps
Verifies a select element has or does not have the given number of options.
verifyDropdownHasOption(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.SelectVerificationSteps
Verifies a select has an option with the given text.
verifyElementAttributeHasStoredValue(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.VerificationSteps
Verifies an attribute for an element has a given previously stored value.
verifyElementAttributeHasValue(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.VerificationSteps
Verifies an attribute for an element has a given value.
verifyElementDisplayOrderOnPage(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.VerificationSteps
verifyElementExists(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.VerificationSteps
Verifies the given element exists.
verifyElementHasAttribute(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.VerificationSteps
Verifies an element has an attribute.
verifyElementHasClass(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.VerificationSteps
Verifies an element has a class.
verifyElementIsEnabled(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.VerificationSteps
Verifies an element is enabled by asserting the element found for the given element name is enabled
verifyElementIsSelected(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.VerificationSteps
Verifies the whether the given element is selected or not.
verifyElementTextContains(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TextVerificationSteps
Used to verify that an element contains certain text.
verifyElementTextIsEmpty(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TextVerificationSteps
Verifies the element has (or does not have) any text.
verifyElementVisibility(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.VerificationSteps
Verifies an element is enabled by asserting the element for the given element name is hidden
verifyFileContentsOfZip(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.DownloadVerificationSteps
Looks inside the most recently downloaded zip file and asserts that it does or does not contain a file with the given extension.
verifyFileWithDateTimeFilename(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.DownloadVerificationSteps
Uses the DownloadManager to fetch the most recently downloaded file path.
verifyFileWithExtensionDownloaded(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.DownloadVerificationSteps
Uses the DownloadManager to monitor the default (or previously set) download directory and waits for a new file with the given extension to appear.
verifyFileWithExtensionDownloadedWithClick(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.DownloadVerificationSteps
Performs a click on the given element and uses the DownloadManager to monitor the default (or previously set) download directory and waits for a new file with the given extension to appear.
verifyFileWithFilenameDownloaded(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.DownloadVerificationSteps
Uses the DownloadManager to monitor the default (or previously set) download directory and waits for a new file with the given filename to appear.
verifyFileWithFilenameDownloadedWithClick(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.DownloadVerificationSteps
Performs a click on the given element and uses the DownloadManager to monitor the default (or previously set) download directory and waits for a new file with the given filename to appear.
verifyImageComparison(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.ImageVerificationSteps
Takes a screenshot of the given element or page/window and compares it to the previously-stored or taken image of that same element or page/window.
verifyJsAlertPresent(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.VerificationSteps
Verifies the existence of a Javascript alert.
verifyJsAlertText(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.VerificationSteps
Verifies the existence of a Javascript alert.
verifyNumberOfRows(int) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.CsvSteps
Verifies the CSV has the given number of rows of data, not including the header rows.
verifyNumberOfTableRows(int, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableVerificationSteps
Verifies we have the expected, given number of rows in the given string representing the Table object.
verifyNumDiffFixedDecimals(String, double, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.VerificationSteps
Used to compare the numerical text, or input element value, of an element to a stored value to verify how much it has changed given a set number of decimal places truncated or rounded up/down Can verify whether a value is greater than or less than the stored by a given amount.
verifyNumericValuesInWholeColumn(String, String, double) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Compares all values in the given column to the given referenceNumber, using the given comparisonType.
verifyOneOfTwoElementsIsFound(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.VerificationSteps
Verifies one of two given elements is present on the page.
verifyPDFContent(URL, String, int) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.DownloadManager
Returns true if the given text appears on a particular page of the passed PDF that is opened in a new tab, without needing to download it.
verifyPDFContent(URL, String, int, int) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.DownloadManager
Returns true if the given text exists within a particular page range of the passed PDF.
verifyResponseCodeEquals(int) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.APISteps
Verify that the response code returned from the last API call is what we expect.
verifyResponseContains(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.APISteps
Validates text in an API response.
verifyResponseTime(double) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.APISteps
verifyRowCellsAreUnique(String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Returns true if the row cell's values are unique for the given column name
verifyRowCellsAreUnique(String[]) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Returns true if the cell values are unique for the given array of column names
verifyRowContains(String, By) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Verifies that the row with random text contains xpath
verifySpecificCellContains(String, int, String, boolean) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Returns null if the cell in the given column and row match the text value given.
verifyStoredTextAppearsInColumn(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.CsvSteps
Verifies a csv column does or does not contain text for the stored value.
verifyStoredTextAppearsInColumn(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableVerificationSteps
Verifies a table column does or does not contain text for the stored value.
verifyStoredTextRowContainsXpath(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableVerificationSteps
Verify the element exists in row which have stored value in column name
verifyTextAppearsInColumn(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.CsvSteps
Verifies a csv column does or does not contain text.
verifyTextAppearsInColumn(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableVerificationSteps
Verifies all the cells in a table column does or does not contain the indicated text.
verifyTextContainsStoredValue(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TextVerificationSteps
Used to verify that the element contains the text previously in an element or otherwise stored.
verifyTextInDownloadedPDF(String, File, int, int) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.DownloadManager
Returns true if the given text exists in the given PDF within a specified page range.
verifyTextInFile(File, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.DownloadManager
Returns true if the given file contains the given text.
verifyTextInFile(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.DownloadManager
Returns true if the most recently-downloaded file contains the given text.
verifyTitle(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.WindowAndTabVerificationSteps
Checks if the current tab or window either does or does not equal or contain the passed text
verifyUniqueColumnText(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableVerificationSteps
Verifies a column contains unique text
verifyURLTextContains(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TextVerificationSteps
Helper function for i_verify_the_element_contains_the_text() for checking text in the URL.


wait(double) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Time
Wait functionality that takes a double in seconds and converts it to milliseconds before waiting.
wait(double) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.BaseSteps
Waits for the sum of the given number of seconds and fractions of sections.
waitForAllRowsInColumnToContain(int, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Waits the given amount of seconds until all cells in the given column do or do not have the given text in it.
waitForEitherElementToExist(String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.ElementFunctions
Waits the configured timeout for either of the two elements to be found.
waitForPageLoad() - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.PageManager
Sets page load timeout on web driver instance using the timeout and timeunit values set in the configuration file or on the command line.
waitForSpecificCellToContain(int, String, int, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.tables.Table
Waits the given amount of seconds until the given cell does or does not have the given text in it.
waitForSpecificCellToHaveText(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableVerificationSteps
Refreshes the page, waiting the configured time (given by the longProcessTimeout "-DlongProcessTimeout") for the table to contain the given value in all rows in the given column.
waitForSpecificCellToHaveText(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableVerificationSteps
Refreshes the page, waiting the configured time (given by the longProcessTimeout "-DlongProcessTimeout") for the table to contain the given value in the given row and column.
waitForText(String, boolean) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.Element
Waits until the text contains a certain value, and returns if it was found
waitUntilElementTextContains(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TextVerificationSteps
Waits until we can verify that an element contains certain text.
waitUntilElementTextContainsStored(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TextVerificationSteps
Waits until we can verify that an element contains text stored previously.
WebDriverFactory - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers
This object factory is used to keep up with driver versions for all browsers.
WebDriverFactory() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WebDriverFactory
WEBPAGE - Enum constant in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.PageObjectType
WindowAndTabSteps - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps
WindowAndTabSteps() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.WindowAndTabSteps
WindowAndTabVerificationSteps - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps
WindowAndTabVerificationSteps() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.WindowAndTabVerificationSteps
windowHandles - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WindowList
WindowList - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers
Keeps track of all windows a driver has open and which one the user is currently on.
WindowList(WebDriver) - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WindowList
When a WindowList is created, you must pass it a reference to the driver that created it.
windows - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.SentinelDriver
WINDOWS - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
WINDOWS - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.BaseSteps
WindowsDriverFactory - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers
WindowsDriverFactory() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.webdrivers.WindowsDriverFactory
Exists to defeat instantiation.
WindowsElement - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements
WinAppDriver implementation of a Element.
WindowsElement(String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.elements.WindowsElement
Default Windows Element constructor.
winSpecialFolderConverter(String) - Static method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.FileManager
Replaces Microsoft Windows special path shortcuts with their system environment equivalent within a given path

Supported Path Shortcuts: %localappdata% - Ex: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local %appdata% - Ex: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming %USERPROFILE% - Ex: C:\Users\USERNAME
writeAllCellsInColumn(int, String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Sets all the cells in the given column to the given value.
writeAllCellsInColumn(String, String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Sets all the cells in the given column to the given value.
writeCellInColumnRow(int, int, String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Sets the cell in a given column and row to the given value.
writeCellInColumnRow(String, int, String) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Sets the cell in a given column and row to the given value.
writeFileContents(List<List<String>>) - Method in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.CsvFile
Sets the whole file's contents to the passed newFileContents values, where each list of lists is a row.


XPATH - Enum constant in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.SelectorType
XPATH - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.pages.Page
XPATH - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.steps.TableSteps
XYZ - Enum constant in enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.SelectorType


YAML_DATA - Static variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.Configuration
YAMLData - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations
The YAMLData class stores common data structures between page and api object yaml files to reduce code duplication.
YAMLData() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.configurations.YAMLData
YAMLObject - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.system
An object created by a YAML File for testing.
YAMLObject(String) - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.YAMLObject
yamlObjectName - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.YAMLObject
yamlObjectType - Variable in class com.dougnoel.sentinel.system.YAMLObject
YAMLObjectType - Enum in com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums
The possible types a YAMLObject can be.
YAMLObjectType() - Constructor for enum com.dougnoel.sentinel.enums.YAMLObjectType


ZipFile - Class in com.dougnoel.sentinel.files
ZipFile() - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.ZipFile
Creates new ZipFile from the most recently-downloaded path.
ZipFile(Path) - Constructor for class com.dougnoel.sentinel.files.ZipFile
Creates new ZipFile from the specified path.
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