All Classes and Interfaces

This is an updated version with enhancements made by Daniel Migowski, Andre Bogus, and David Koelle.
The APIData class is a singleton class that encapsulates page configuration data into a usable java class.
An implementation of the factory design pattern based on the PageFactory.
Tracks which API is currently being used and requests the APIFactory create it if it does not exist.
Methods used to define basic operations.
Manages configuration actions, changes, and interaction with PageObject including functionality to get default timeout, default time units, environment data, config path and package lists from PageObject, current URL or URL from a given pageName, user name or password from given account, env, or page, loads pageData for a given pageName, authentication with SSL, searching directories, and class getter and setter method.
Manages Download actions and interactions, which handles CRUD and IO for Sentinel.
Manages all drivers.
Dropdown implementation of a WebElement.
Base element class that handles creation of element types and allows late binding.
An implementation of the Factory design pattern for creating Elements for Page objects.
Retrieves as an element as an Element or as a child type.
Creating an unchecked YAMLFileException so that we can fail a test without failing the entire program execution and create custom messages for all the failures that can happen reading a YAML file.
Wrapping so that it is a RuntimeException.
Wrapper for the Java URL object that throws a runtime exception when creating a URL object so that failure does not halt all tests.
A number of angular and react libraries make their own dropdowns that are do not use select elements.
Wrapping so that it is a RuntimeException.
Implementation of an Material-UI Select.
Implements an ngx-datatable WebElement.
Thrown when an attempt is made to instantiate an Action object that is not defined for the given API object.
Page class to contain the details of an page.
The PageData class is a singleton class that encapsulates page configuration data into a usable java class.
The Page Factory is a factory method that simply takes a string containing the name of a Page Object and returns the object to be worked on.
The Page Manager is a singleton class that manages what page the test is on.
The possible types a PageObject can be.
Implementation of an NGPrime Dropdown.
API request types
Wrapper for an hhtp response for testing the response.
Extends Element.
A list of ways to identify web elements on a web page.
Tracks all the windows attached to a particular driver.
Implements a Table WebElement.
Textbox implementation of a Element.
Methods used to defined basic validations
This object factory is used to keep up with driver versions for all browsers.
Keeps track of all windows a driver has open and which one the user is currently on.
WinAppDriver implementation of a Element.
The YAMLData class stores common data structures between page and api object yaml files to reduce code duplication.
An object created by a YAML File for testing.
The possible types a YAMLObject can be.